Yom Kippur War interview seen the limits of physical strength ...

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia Yom Kippur War interview seen the limits of physical strength Shell to cease-fire after the press bus Year October day, the Egyptian army is the start of the Sinai peninsula recapture strategy that was occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of years ago across the Suez Canal, was invaded Syrian army as well Golan Heights at the same time. The same day the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Egypt's Sadat, joint operations of the lost territory recovery of Assad both the President of Syria is scrupulously Shimeshiawase. It is the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War. Although I was London correspondent at the time, a fraction of the work had to cover Israel. Egypt of Israel approved previously in order to Cairo correspondent can not go freely in Israel, each company European expatriates correspondent had served as the "Middle East personnel" with Israel dedicated One eye of the passport. If there is an Israel-entry record it is because I did not put in the Arab countries. The previous year was also responsible for military trials of people Okamoto Kozo of the Lod Airport massacre and the criminal that caused the Japanese Red Army.

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